Indiana DUI, Drunk Driving, DWI/OWI Laws & Penalties
If you or a loved one has been arrested for a DUI or OWI in Indiana, it's important to understand the state's drunk driving laws and punishments. Read now!
Have you been charged with Operating While Intoxicated (“OWI”)? An OWI conviction can have severe consequences, including:
In an Operating While Intoxicated case, the traffic stop may look something like this:
An officer suspects that you are Operating While Intoxicated (Driving Under the Influence), the following then occurs:
1. The officer conducts a traffic stop;
2. The officer approaches your vehicle and request your license, registration, and insurance card (note: the officer may or may not tell you the reason for the stop);
3. The officer may ask you initial questions, such as “where are you coming from” or “where are you going;”
4. The officer may ask you if you have had anything to drink;
5. The officer may advise you that he or she has reason to believe that you are intoxicated and ask you to step out of the vehicle to perform field sobriety tests;
6. The officer may ask you to submit to a portable breath test (“PBT”);
7. The officer will inform you that you are under arrest, place you in handcuffs, and read you the Indiana Implied Consent Law
8. You, and possibly your car, will be searched;
9. Your car may be towed, at your expense;
10. The officer will offer you a certified chemical breath test at the police department or a blood test.
11. You are charged and will likely be required to post a substantial cash bail to be released.
At Stracci Law Group, we understand the impact that this type of charge may have on your life and the lives of your family. That is why we examine the minute details of each case to determine the most effective strategy to help you obtain the best possible outcome.
One of the biggest fallacies in OWI cases is that there is no defense. There are a number of ways to defend OWI cases, and at Stracci Law Group, we explore them all. There are several relevant factors to consider, for example:
At Stracci Law Group, we will fight to get your driving privileges restored as quickly as possible. There are a number of ways to defend against an OWI charge and significantly improve your outcome. We have handled thousands of OWI cases and have over eighty (80) years of collective experience. At Stracci Law Group, you have a team of attorneys who will strongly advocate for your driving privileges, rights, reputation, and freedom.
We will take the time to get to know you and understand your unique situation and goals. We will sit down with you and explain our plan for achieving the goals and discuss what steps can be taken to allow you to drive legally until this matter is behind you.
If you have been charged with an OWI offense, call Stracci Law Group today to schedule a FREE, no-obligation consultation today and let us put our skills to work for you.