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Burn Injury

Burn Injury Attorneys in Crown Point, IN

Burn injuries are among the most painful and disfiguring of all possible injuries. Perhaps you have suffered one. When browsing for “burn injury lawyers near me,” take a second look at Stracci Law Group. Contact us online or call us at (219) 525-1000 for a free consultation. We serve clients in Hammond, Crown Point, Gary, and elsewhere in Northwest Indiana.

The Common Types Of Burn Injuries

The American Burn Association reports that in the US alone, nearly half a million burn injuries every year are serious enough to require medical treatment. Some of the most common types of burns include:

  • Thermal burns: Thermal burns come from external heat sources like stoves, scalding water, and hot metal. 
  • Cold burns: It’s counterintuitive, but extremely cold materials can burn your skin too. Cold burns usually happen in industrial accidents. 
  • Friction burns: The most common type of friction burn is the “road rash” that motorcyclists sometimes suffer.
  • Radiation burns: The most common radiation burn is sunburn. Other sources of radiation, such as X-rays, can also cause radiation burns.
  • Chemical burns: Strong acids, bleach, lye, and other corrosive materials cause chemical burns.
  • Electrical burns: Electrical currents can cause severe burns in addition to other injuries.

The burn victim attorneys at Stracci Law Group can help you pursue a burn injury claim.

Classification Of Burn Injuries By Severity

Medical authorities typically classify burns into three different degrees--first-degree, second-degree, and third-degree burns. Each type of burn exhibits its own characteristics:

  • First-degree burns: Sunburn and other light burns affecting only the outer layer of your skin. There is no scarring.
  • Second-degree burns: Second-degree burns affect two layers of skin. They typically cause blistering and scarring.
  • Third-degree burns. Third-degree burns affect every layer of your skin as well as underlying tissue. Third-degree burns can be life-threatening.

If you have suffered a third-degree burn, you will need a personal injury attorney to maximize your chances of winning fair compensation.  

How Our Indiana Burn Injury Lawyers Can Help Get Fire Injuries Compensation

If the injury you incur during a fire is severe, you almost have no other choice but to retain a fire injury lawyer, at least if you want to receive fair compensation. A burn injury lawyer can help you obtain compensation for:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost earnings
  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Disfigurement
  • Disability
  • Loss of sensation
  • Other losses

The most straightforward means of obtaining compensation is through a private settlement with the defendant or an insurance company. If the opposing party proves unwilling to offer fair compensation, you can probably file a lawsuit. You might have to file a workers’ compensation claim instead, however, if your injury was work-related.

Filing a lawsuit doesn’t necessarily mean that you will go to trial. However, it can operate as a means to pressure the other side and to obtain evidence. It can also provide you with access to the discovery process, which will allow you to demand evidence from the other side. Proceeding to trial is a last resort, but one that you still must be willing to face if necessary.

Fire and Burn Injury Accident Cases We Typically Handle in Lake County

As burn accident attorneys, we handle all different types of burn injuries, including:

  • Friction burns
  • Thermal burns
  • Chemical burns
  • Cold burns
  • Radiation burns
  • Electrical burns
  • First-degree, second-degree, and third-degree burns

We also handle the following type of fire injury cases:

  • Restaurant fires
  • Hotel fires
  • House fires
  • Apartment fires
  • Workplace fires and explosions
  • Industrial accidents
  • Electrical fires
  • Defective product fires
  • Vehicle explosions
  • Scalding water and steam injuries
  • Nightclub fires

We also handle claims arising from locked fire exits and defective safety equipment. Even if your burn injury was sustained in a place or manner that is different from the previously listed scenarios, please contact us to help determine your options.

Why Hire Stracci Law Group for Your Burn Injury Case?

The aggressive, experienced, and relentless attorneys at Stracci Law Group will not quit until you receive justice. We have handled many burn injury cases and our attorneys have decades of combined experience achieving results for our clients. We can help you by:

  • Investigating your claim and the circumstances surrounding it
  • Gathering admissible evidence to support your claim
  • Negotiating with the other side on your behalf
  • Filing a lawsuit, if necessary to expedite settlement negotiations
  • Drafting a settlement agreement
  • Representing you at trial
  • Making sure you get your money on time

Stracci Law Group works on a contingency basis, meaning that you will owe us precisely nothing unless we win your claim and the defendant actually pays it.

Talk to Our Northwest Indiana Burn Injury Attorneys Today

If you or someone you love has suffered a burn injury that you believe someone else may be responsible for, now is the time to contact a seasoned burn accident lawyer. Stracci Law Group represents personal injury and wrongful death clients throughout Northwest Indiana including Crown Point, Gary, Portage, Merrillville, and elsewhere in the vicinity.

How can we help?

Speak with a Crown Point Personal Injury Lawyer Today

Don't let your injury hold you back any longer. Contact Stracci Law Firm in the Crown Point area today for legal counsel and a free consultation. Your path to recovery starts here.
How can we help?


I am so grateful for the recommendation to retain attorney Mike Woods. He is straight forward with his attention to details. His staff is amazing also. Thank you so much for your service and time. Definitely I am satisfied.
Brittanie Carr
Peter Fouts is knowledgeable, honest, and a pleasure to work with. Trust him with your representation and you will not be disappointed.
Jake Holth
Mr Stracci is the man. When I first met him I was a teenager who made some very costly mistakes. I was facing felony drug charges and was looking at a potential sentence of 10+ years in prison. Despite my worries, Paul promised we will fight to the end and that’s exactly what he did. Him and his partner Mike Woods, through hard, diligent work, ended up getting the absolute best result in my case, and 5 years later, I can put the past behind me and start living my life without worry again. I would recommend to anyone that needs help in the courtroom to employ Mr Stracci to fight by your side.
Petar Velkov
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How do I know if my burn injury lawsuit is viable?

Talk to an experienced burn injury attorney. You certainly don’t want to rely on advice from the defendant or the insurance company that will be paying your claim. In general, there are four elements to a personal injury claim:

  • The defendant must have owed you a duty of care. Almost everyone owes everyone else a duty of reasonable care.
  • The defendant breached their duty of care to you, through behavior that was careless or worse.
  • The defendant’s breach of duty caused the accident, and
  • You suffered damages from the accident (burns, etc.).

Who can I hold financially responsible for my burn injury?

There are a number of possible parties whom you might hold liable, including:

  • The defendant as an individual;
  • The defendant’s insurance company;
  • The defendant’s employer, if the defendant’s conduct occurred in the course of duty;
  • The manufacturer of a defective product that caused the accident; and
  • Many other possible defendants, depending on the facts of your case.

The at-fault party’s insurance company offered me a settlement for my burn injury. Should I take it?

No. The first offer from an insurance company is almost always woefully inadequate, even if it seems generous to you. Talk to your attorney before you accept any settlement offer. Insurance companies absolutely love claimants who are unaware of the true value of their claims. We can determine its value through investigation and experience.

How soon do I need to file a burn injury claim in Indiana?

You should begin taking steps to prepare your claim as soon as you are able after the accident. One of your first steps should be to contact an attorney. If you retain us, we will know exactly what to do and when to do it.

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