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Rape / Sexual Battery

Northwest Indiana Sexual Battery and Rape Defense Lawyer

A conviction for rape or sexual battery is life-altering. It can expose you to a term of incarceration and a sex offender registry requirement. This sex offender registry requirement could follow you around for the rest of your life. 

If Indiana has charged you with either of these two offenses or if you suspect that a charge is coming, you need to act now. Don’t talk to the police under any circumstances--retain a sexual battery and rape lawyer instead. The sexual battery and rape attorneys at Stracci Law Group serve Crown Point [46307, 46308], Gary [46402, 46404, 46405], Portage [46368, 46403], Valparaiso [46383, 46385], and elsewhere in Northwest Indiana. With four former prosecutors, one of whom was a  founding member of the Lake County Prosecutor’s Office Special Victims Unit, you can’t find a team of defense lawyers better equipped to defend you.

What Is Considered Rape?

In Indiana, rape occurs when the defendant knowingly or intentionally has sexual intercourse with another person or causes another person to perform or submit to other sexual conduct without that person’s consent. 

The other person does not consent when:

  • The defendant uses force;
  • The other person is unaware of the sexual conduct (unconscious, for example); or 
  • The other person is so mentally disabled that they are unable to grant meaningful consent.

“Sexual intercourse” refers to an act that includes any penetration of the female sex organ by the male sex organ.

Enhanced Penalties for Rape

The penalty range for Rape can be enhanced if any of the following aggravating factors apply: 

  • It is committed by using or threatening the use of deadly force
  • Actual possession of a deadly weapon
  • Results in serious bodily injury to a person other than a defendant
  • It is facilitated by furnishing the other person with a drug without that person’s knowledge 

What Is Considered Sexual Battery?

Under Indiana law, the difference between rape and sexual battery is that sexual battery involves sexual touching that does not constitute “sexual intercourse.” Instead, sexual battery involves touching another person in order to arouse or satisfy their own or another person's sexual desires without consent. 

Enhanced Penalties for Sexual Battery

Under Indiana law, the penalties for sexual battery can be enhanced if one of three aggravating factors apply:

  • It is committed by using or threatening the use of deadly force
  • Actual possession of a deadly weapon
  • It is facilitated by furnishing the other person with a drug without that person’s knowledge 

Possible Penalties for Rape and Sexual Battery

In Indiana, penalties for sexual battery and rape include:

  • Rape, Level 1 Felony: 20 to 40 years
  • Rape, Level 3 Felony: 3 to 16 years 
  • Sexual battery, Level 4 Felony: 2 to 12 years
  • Sexual battery, Level 6 Felony: 6 months to 2.5 years 

If Indiana convicts you of any of the foregoing crimes, the state will require you to register as a sex offender for 10 years for the rest of your life.

How Can Stacci Law Group Defend You Against a Rape Charge?

No matter what the charge, a prosecutor must prove you guilty “beyond a reasonable doubt.” Many rape allegations come down to a “he said, she said” situation. A rape attorney from Stracci Law Group will aggressively investigate and defend your case. Some of the defenses that might apply include:

  • Consent
  • False accusation
  • Mistaken identity
  • Violation of your constitutional rights
  • Insufficient evidence

Stracci Law Group Can Also Help If You Are Charged With Sexual Battery

In Indiana, many sexual battery cases boil down to the accuser’s word versus the defendant’s word, with little other evidence. We will fight to make sure you have the best possible defense. Do not hesitate to contact Stracci Law Group today, even if you are in jail, to set up a consultation.

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"If you got legal issues I highly recommend this company. They got me out of a jam! With all charges dropped. And reasonably priced."
Cliftin Branch, Criminal Case
"I can actually say that Paul is a GREAT LAWYER!! Takes care of business. He got a very big felony dismissed that was hovering over my life for a couple of years and stopped me from doing many things freely, He also got a Dui Dismissed as well as a few other things! My record is now clean. Thank you Paul Stracci!"
Timmy ShellToe, Criminal Case
"I just want to reach out again to thank you. I’m so incredibly grateful for all your help and hard work. We both are!! My entire family is. I could never say thank you enough. In my head, I knew that he was innocent and never intended for any of this to happen. That he was only defending himself but the fact that they charged him and put him in jail was so terrifying. From the very first time I talked to you over the phone and then came in and met you both, I knew God helped me pick the right attorneys. My son was in the very best hands he could be in. Thank you for also putting up with my constant emailing, I couldn’t help myself. I wanted you to have all of the information I had. I will forever be grateful and I will also definitely be telling anyone I know that needs an attorney to come to your firm. I will tell everyone how amazing you gentlemen are for the rest of my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!"
Timmy ShellToe, Criminal Case
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What should I do if I don’t remember what happened?

If you cannot remember what happened, other evidence (besides your memory) will have to be used to defend you. Contact us immediately so that we may begin preserving and gathering the evidence that exonerates you, while it is still available.

Can a woman rape a man?

Yes, it is possible. Nevertheless, due to the restrictive definition of “sexual intercourse” under Indiana law (see above), as a practical matter, it can be difficult to prove that consent was lacking when penetration actually occurred. In contrast with rape, however, a man can suffer sexual battery as easily as a woman can.

Is consent important?

Yes, consent is absolutely critical. Without consent, just about any sexual act is a crime. With consent, by contrast, acts that would otherwise be considered major felonies are not illegal. Proving consent (or lack thereof) can be difficult under certain circumstances, however.

What is date rape?

The term “date rape” is not a legal term. It is used colloquially to refer to a rape when the defendant and the victim were on a date together or had some type of romantic relationship together at the time of the rape.