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Eviction Records Expungement

Indiana Eviction Records Expungement & Removal Lawyers

Renters throughout Indiana, including those in Indianapolis and Crown Point, may be eligible for eviction record sealing with the help of an eviction removal lawyer. Stracci Law Group can help clients throughout the Northwest Indiana region, including in Lake, Porter, and LaPorte counties, seal their eviction records in Indiana. Learn more about eviction expungement and how Stracci Law Group can help you take advantage of this new development in the law.

What Is Eviction Expungement?

In Indiana, during eviction expungement, the filing of the tenant record of eviction is removed from the online docket. You could be walking around with a Scarlet E, a public record telling other landlords that you may not be a suitable risk for rental housing. Using an eviction removal service can help clear your record of unlawful detainers (UDs) and restore your good reputation.

Wondering Why You Need to Expunge Eviction in Northwest Indiana?

Eviction expungement laws in Indiana exist to help certain renters remove records of eviction actions from public view. By sealing eviction records, these renters may have an easier time finding housing. Expunging Indiana eviction cases from your record can:

  • Remove unfair eviction marks from your public record
  • Permit you to apply for housing without disclosing a prior eviction 
  • Prevent potential landlords from discovering eviction actions filed against you

Having your eviction record expunged in Indiana can help you and your family obtain new housing.

Am I Eligible to Have My Eviction Records Sealed in Crown Point?

The new Indiana expungement law for residential eviction cases will not apply in all situations. If your eviction actions resulted in judgments against you and in favor of the landlord, for example, your Indiana eviction records will not be expunged.

You will be able to take advantage of this new law and expunge an eviction record if your eviction action was:

  • Dismissed by the landlord or by the court without a judgment being entered
  • Resolved with a judgment in your favor and against the landlord
  • Resolved with a judgment against you, but this judgment was overturned or vacated on appeal

Retaining a lawyer to remove eviction records can help you make sense of Indiana eviction laws and determine your eligibility. Before your request to expunge eviction records will be granted, the court will verify that your eviction expungement is permitted under the law.

If the court determines that you are not eligible, your petition will not be granted and will remain on your public record.

What Is the Indiana Eviction Removal Process?

A petition for expungement of eviction records can be filed any time after you are eligible for relief. You can expunge an eviction record retroactively so long as you meet the eligibility requirements. An eviction expungement lawyer can help you prepare a petition containing personal information, case numbers, and a sworn statement saying that you do not owe any money to the landlord in the eviction action. Then:

  1. File your verified petition 
  2. The court may grant your petition without further hearing if your petition contains sufficient facts to show you are entitled to an expungement
  3. Alternatively, the court may schedule a hearing and require you to produce evidence showing you are eligible for eviction expungement

If the court grants your petition, your eviction may still be visible to certain entities such as law enforcement. However, the record will not be viewable by the public, including potential landlords. 

Why Choose Our Lake County Eviction Expungement Attorneys?

Knowledgeable legal advice from your eviction record removal lawyers can help you get an eviction off your record. Retaining the services of a lawyer to expunge evictions with Stracci Law Group should be your first step to help secure your eviction expungement. Our legal team offers you:

  • Nearly eight decades of combined legal experience
  • Attorneys who have dedicated themselves to understanding Indiana law
  • Our firm’s commitment to using the law to achieve justice for you

You can rest easy with an eviction expungement lawyer with Stracci Law Group.

Get a Professional Attorney to Help with Eviction Expungement

With this exciting relief available to Indiana residents, the time to talk to an eviction removal lawyer near Crown Point is now. Stracci Law Group helps clients throughout Northwest Indiana, including those in Lake, Porter, and LaPorte counties, with sealing old eviction files. Reach out to us today.

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"I can actually say that Paul is a GREAT LAWYER!! Takes care of business. He got a very big felony dismissed that was hovering over my life for a couple of years and stopped me from doing many things freely, He also got a Dui Dismissed as well as a few other things! My record is now clean. Thank you Paul Stracci!"
Timmy ShellToe, Criminal Case
"If you got legal issues I highly recommend this company. They got me out of a jam! With all charges dropped. And reasonably priced."
Cliftin Branch, Criminal Case
"I just want to reach out again to thank you. I’m so incredibly grateful for all your help and hard work. We both are!! My entire family is. I could never say thank you enough. In my head, I knew that he was innocent and never intended for any of this to happen. That he was only defending himself but the fact that they charged him and put him in jail was so terrifying. From the very first time I talked to you over the phone and then came in and met you both, I knew God helped me pick the right attorneys. My son was in the very best hands he could be in. Thank you for also putting up with my constant emailing, I couldn’t help myself. I wanted you to have all of the information I had. I will forever be grateful and I will also definitely be telling anyone I know that needs an attorney to come to your firm. I will tell everyone how amazing you gentlemen are for the rest of my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!"
Timmy ShellToe, Criminal Case
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Your eviction removal lawyer answers common questions you may have concerning the eviction removal process.

How much does it cost to expunge an eviction?

The only costs associated with expunging eviction records in Indiana are any fees charged by your eviction expungement lawyer. There is no filing fee that needs to be paid to the court.

What if I still owe my landlord money according to the eviction judgment?

Eviction expungement is not available in Indiana if the court entered judgment against you, and this judgment remains unpaid. You are eligible to have your eviction expunged if the court’s judgment against you was later vacated or overturned on appeal.

How long does it take to get an eviction expunged?

If no action has been taken recently and your eviction action is pending, it may take up to 190 days before the court will grant your petition. Under other circumstances, it may be granted sooner than that.

Can bankruptcy remove evictions?

No. A bankruptcy will discharge a debt you owe to your previous landlord, but only an eviction expungement under Indiana’s new law can clear your record of an eviction.